Wild Horse Advocate Makes National News


Wild Horse Photographer and Advocate Carol Walker Talks Bad BLM Policies

and Horse Slaughter with Tucker Carlson.

Wyoming Wild Horse photographer and advocate, Carol Walker, bravely spoke out on the national news about the Bureau of Land Management's horrendous Adoption Incentive Program (AIP) and other bad BLM programs that are landing our wild horses and burros in foreign slaughterhouses.

A thinly veiled end-run around the BLM's restriction against slaughter mustangs and burros, the AIP uses tax-payer dollars to pay people $1,000 to adopt a wild horse. A recent NY Times expose revealed that many of those adopted animals ended up exactly where advocate knew they would - at slaughter in Mexico and Canada.

Shining a light on these underhanded, unethical BLM policies is so important right now. We must bring this issue to the national stage and Carol did an excellent job of that. 

Watch the full interview and PLEASE share on social media! You can also read Carol's blog post about her interview HERE.

Let's let America know what their government is doing to our beloved wild mustangs and burros. Click below to send a powerful message to the BLM - NO ROUNDUPS - WE WANT HUMANE MANAGEMENT!

Dana Zarrello