Contact Your Lawmaker

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You can help save America’s shrinking wild horse and burro populations by calling, emailing or writing your Congressional Representative and US Senators.

Your votes and voices matter! Just 10 calls or messages in one day can make difference. If you email, always ask for a response, and always be polite.

Contact information

Find your Senators and Representatives:
President Biden: | 202-456-1111
Vice President Harris: | 202-456-1111
Secretary of Interior, Deb Haaland: | 202-208-3100
BLM Deputy Director, Policy and Programs, Nada Wolff Culver: 202-208-3801
Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsak: 202 720-2791


  1. Manage Wild Horses and Burros on the range, which has a much smaller price tag for the American taxpayer

  2. Use the fertility vaccine PZP to balance mortality and reproduction with a goal of attaining zero population growth

  3. Protect predators in Bureau of Land Management Herd Management Areas and Herd Areas

  4. Reduce livestock grazing on lands managed for wild horses

  5. Understand the Real Costs of Livestock Grazing. Read BLM and USFS livestock grazing stats: Examining key data in the debate over wild horses on western public lands

  6. Restore the millions of acres of lost wild horse rangeland

  7. Enlist volunteers to monitor, document and help administer fertility control to herds on the range

  8. Provide adequate shelter for all horses in holding facilities

  9. Return wild horses in BLM Short Term Holding to repatriated Herd Management Areas and Herd Areas

  10. Stop helicopter roundups. Use bait trapping or darting for application of PZP where needed.

  11. Wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West; they contribute to the diversity of life forms in America and enrich the lives of the American people